The wonderful B.A.A.D.D.D.-girls are touring the States in June & July! Get in touch with them if you wanna book them. B.A.A.D.D.D. are Emily Hasselhoof and Kake from Toxic Lipstick. Basicly, they will come to your city, town, or suburb and rule! Bringing you a set of high energy in a fierce rock-out formation.
Besides doing their raaddd/baaddd performance, the ladies will also do a DoubleDenim DJ-set. Bringing you a selection of the finest Playmaker-styled tunes. And if that ain't enough, they also love to play a game of Tacket-baadddminton, a variation of conventional badminton, they've come up with during their recent Dual Plover tour in China!
What are you waiting for? You live in the U.S.A.?! you are awesome?! and you wanna hang-out with B.A.A.D.D.D., take good care of them and show them radness? Then, YOU should totally go for it! This duo is pure fun so bring them to your local club, talk to the right people and hype your event so they can tear of the roof!! For bookings mail or contact them via their myspace.
Download B.A.A.D.D.D. - Owly
Download B.A.A.D.D.D. - Around The World (demo version)