Hi, we're back and want to thank all the team players attending and participating on the first PLAYMAKER PARTY, held at La Campaña here in Sydney, Thursday the 29th of Januari. It was truely awesome. Many game stations were set up reaching from Atari to Sega and Commedore 64, ... and it was a night of pure fun, enjoyment, good vibes, friendship and awesome music.
A special thanks to the DJ's Jimmy Sing, Toecutter, DoubleDenim & Discoballistic and performance band Toydeath for bringing us in the right atmosphere. It would have been nothing without you!
Soon we're going to post pictures and if you've got any pictures of the event yourselves, please let us know and we'll post 'm aswell! We'd love to hear from from you on playmakerzineATgmail.com - feel free to give us your thoughts and ideas.