Toronto-based synthwave producer and relatively new kid on the block Zayaz keeps coming with one awesome track after another. Here's a short overview of some tracks he's recently put out there.
Let's start off with 'Delta City Blues', a crispy produced track that weaves it's head around with vocal stabs, a sawtooth lead and a booming bass arp.
Not just throwing around some random 80's cliches, Zayaz likes to dedicate his work other specific nostalgic or futuristic references, as in this case, that stellar 70's blues vibe through the band Chicago. It shows through his work that the artist has a rich and deeper understanding of historical importance.
Going for the more clubby sound, Zayaz's latest track is a dance floor stomper, filled with dreamy leads, sparkling bleeps and nicely side-chained bass waves. The song takes by the hand and leads you into a scientific, futuristic talk of singularity concept by the year 2045.
Let's cap it off with some pure retro bliss, his track 'Miami Motorfunk'. Pull up and no fronting, this one takes it straight to the streets with banging drums, stabbing synths, rolling bass and yes, a steeldrum midtro. Yes, this track is another floor filler or essential tune for those long drives home.